It’s a Good Friday!

I wonder whether you’ve ever been asked why Good Friday is called ‘Good’? It’s usually asked by children who have worked out that Easter is not all about Chocolate! But maybe they also realise that, if it’s actually about Christ, the events of that first Good Friday were gruesome! In fact, even the press ponder this point – the “I” Newspaper once wrote: “On the face of it, the sobering subject matter of the observance jar with Good Friday’s distinctly upbeat name” (I Weekend, 2/4/2021).

Interestingly, many commentators and newspapers who try to explain Good Friday get it wrong. Newsweek recently said “The term Good Friday … is not taken to mean the day in question was good, positive or pleasant in any way. English dictionaries state how ‘good’ in this context refers ‘in the sense: holy, observed as a holy day” (Newsweek, 15/4/22)

So, why is Good Friday ‘Good’?

It’s Good because God’s promises are fulfilled

God is faithful in all His promises (Ps 119:89-90). And so, “at the appointed time, God sent his Son … to redeem those under the law” (Gal 4:4). God’s love for us meant that He planned from eternity to save His people. And nothing could stop His promises. He was good in His faithfulness – His Son was given for us.

It’s Good because Jesus’ mission was completed

As Jesus turned to travel into Jerusalem, He struggled, in His humanity, with all that would come to pass. He cried out “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified … Now my soul is troubled, and what shall I say? ‘Father, save Me from this hour’? No, it is for this purpose that I have come to this hour. Father, glorify Your name!” (Jn 12:23,27). Jesus knew the cross was why He had come. He willingly faced all it meant, because you and I would be saved. Jesus ‘fixed his face’ towards the cross because of His love for us.

It’s Good because our punishment was placed upon Him

Isaiah 53 reminds us that Jesus did not merely die on the cross, but on that cross He took upon Himself all our sin, and bore the punishment that I justly deserve. “Surely He took up our pain and bore our suffering … He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities” (Is 53:4-5). As we gaze on Jesus dying for us, we gaze upon the penalty borne for us. There is no more penalty to be paid, there is no more fear of punishment to dread.

It’s Good because our sin is washed away

Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow” (Is 1:18). He not only bore the punishment, but He washed me, my sins were taken away “as far as the east is from the west”. There is therefore no possible accusation, there is no condemnation. And we are “new creatures, the old gone, the new come” because of His blood shed for us.

It’s Good because we are accepted into His presence

Dramatically this was demonstrated right there at Calvary. The thief who cursed Jesus to start with, saw, believed, and sought Jesus at his end. And despite the fact that this thief, recognising himself as deserving of his punishment, could do nothing to seek to change, Jesus could say to him “today you will be with me in paradise”. How? Because taking our punishment, paying the price, washing away our sin, my sin is placed on Him, and He credits us with His own Righteousness.

But, of course, those who don’t know Jesus as their Saviour can’t see it’s goodness because they can’t know it for themselves. That’s why they ask “Why is Good Friday Good?”. But for those who have come to know Jesus as Saviour, Good Friday is a day for rejoicing, for it was on that Friday that our punishment was taken, our sin was atoned, so that we may be forgiven, redeemed and set free. Good Friday is very good for all who know Jesus as their Saviour!