I wonder, if you have had children or nephew/nieces, or even if you’ve baby sat for some children, what stories you read them? There are so many great stories – stories of adventure, intrigue, excitement and fun. Stories are important – they capture our imagination, focus our interest and direct our thoughts. They lead us to new possibilities, put us into worlds of new potential and enable us to explore different lives.
In his 2017 book ‘A better story’, Glynn Harrison suggested that the current radically individualistic world view has been shaped into storylines which we are seeing played out for us in books, on TV and in films. He argues persuasively that the new world view has made such rapid inroads to the consciousness of modern society precisely because it uses stories which condense complex intellectual arguments into memorable bite-size messages. Evoking empathy with their principal character, they draw out the moral instincts that care about individual needs without concern for longer-term consequences, impact on others or on society as a whole. The story is convincing, but the consequences are terrible.
But we have a better story! And our story is powerful, dramatic and transforming.
Better rescue – The gospel is honest about our deepest problem, and our deepest need. We can do nothing to rescue ourselves. But there is a rescuer! It doesn’t need our power, strength or depth of belief, for He done it all and offers us rescue as a free gift that can never be taken away and will never fail!
Better living – The gospel is not only good news about our past, but for every part of life. He gives “life in all its fullness”. There is a power at work in us (Eph 1:20-22) which enables us to live life which is daily being transformed (Rom 12:2). And this life doesn’t leave a trail of regrets – it enables us to be what we were created to be.
Better identity – When we come to know Jesus we are adopted into His family. We belong as beloved children of the King of kings. He defines who we are; we do not need to create an image, nor maintain a false identity. We are no longer defined by our past, nor any failure nor our problems. Our worth, value and purpose are found in One who will not fail us.
Better ambition – Jesus offers us satisfaction in Him. Finding that, we don’t need to run after fame, promotion or success. If God gives us them, because we have Him we can let them go again. We are therefore no longer slaves (John 8:32), no longer trapped by trying to be what we can’t be.
Better peace – Once we are in relationship with God we know that we are loved and kept by the one who rules over all things. He is sovereign over every moment (Ps 139:16). Really grasping this releases us from fear and anxiety, transforming how we face each day and each trial.
Better love – God created us and made us for relationship, as He Himself is in relationship. His love means we are never alone, always in secure relationship. And His design gives us the pattern for sacrificial, deeply meaningful relationships between Christian friends and within marriage.
Better future – God’s rescue isn’t just for this life, but is eternal. We have a sure and certain hope. We have eternal destiny. No matter what we face, nothing can separate us from all we have in Him, even death itself.
We possess the very best story! It is the gospel – the good news of Jesus – and His work of rebirth in every area of life! In a world which increasingly has not heard this story told, we are in a time when God’s story told often can have real impact. So tell your story with confidence, tell His story with joy – It is “the power of God for the salvation of all who will believe” (Rom 1:16).