Pastoral Care
It is our passion that every child of God grow in Christ in every situation
Pastoral Care is about enabling God’s people to grow in maturity in Christ in every life situation. God gifts us difficult situations to help us grow in Him and bring Him glory (Phil 1:29-30). And God gifts us His people so that, as a church walking together in difficulty, we grow in maturity in Him. (Eph 4:7-16).
The first point of support is therefore from your Small Group (which includes Bible Study Groups and Ladies Fellowship) – the leader or your fellow members. You will also find support within the Ministry Teams you are involved in – from the Ministry Leaders or your fellow team members.
If you have been challenged by God in a morning Service and want help in responding, or you have a prayer need, our Prayer Ministry team are available every Sunday morning to help – look for those wearing a lanyard at the end of the service. We also always have a one of our Elders or Deacons available in or near the Foyer each Sunday so you can speak to one of the Church Leadership.
If you are new to the church and seeking to find out more about faith in Christ, about the church, or about getting involved, the Welcome Team are available to help. You will find them at the door of the church.
When times are tough …
Your Small Group or Ministry Team is your first-stop place for help. However there are times and situations when your Small Groups or Ministry Teams are not able to provide the help or guidance you need. We offer the following further routes:
When you want to grow …
We should all always want to grow in Christ – God’s Spirit’s work in us gives us “hunger and thirst for righteousness”. But if you are being particularly challenged to grow in an area of Christ-likeness or service, we would love to help by:
When you are housebound …
There are periods of life when you are unable because of infirmity or age to join with others in fellowship. These can be periods of great spiritual challenge. We encourage you to remain involved and encouraged by:
Help us direct you …
To help us direct you to the most appropriate source of support, please complete the form below. One of our Pastoral Care Group, will make an assessment or invite you to meet with them. Following this, you will be directed to an appropriate route for help. Please note that this pastoral support is available only for regular attendees of Cambray Baptist Church.