TDR: 6 May (1 Thessalonians 5:17)

‘Pray without ceasing’ (1 Thessalonians 5:17)

In prayer we must approach God as our Father, ask of Him what we really need, and expect to receive according to His wisdom and word. Our wants are constantly returning, therefore our prayers should be constantly ascending.

The ear of God is always open; He is always ready to listen to us; He invites, exhorts, and commands us to pray always in everything. Every object that meets the eye, every circumstance that occurs, every employment in which we engage, would afford matter for prayer if properly viewed.

The Christian believer should acquire the HABIT of prayer. They should look up to their God for all they need, through all they see, whenever they have a moment to spare. The prayers of a Christian are pleasing to God; He says, “Show me your face, let me hear your voice; for your voice is sweet, and your face is lovely” [Song of Solomon 2:14].

The Christian should pray as naturally and constantly as they breathe; for prayer is the breath of the soul. Dear friends, if prayer dwindles into a mere duty, and is only occasionally offered, or becomes burdensome, it is clear that you are in a most unhealthy state.

Through the skies when the thunder is hurled,
The child to its parent will flee.
Thus, amid the rebukes of the world,
I turn, O my Father to thee:
The spirit of prayer in thy mercy impart,
And take up thy constant abode in my heart.

THE DAILY REMEMBRANCER by James Smith (1802-1862)

Journal Jottings

‘O my Lord and my Master, do give me a greater measure of grace, and the fullness of the Holy Ghost, that I may walk in love, live in peace, abhor covetousness, be the means of the conversion of many sinners, and of edifying the body of Christ.’