Lighthouse Children’s Groups

March 3, 2024 @ 10:45 am – 11:45 am
School Room, Rodney Hall
Cambray Baptist Church
Cambray Place, Cheltenham
GL50 1JS

Our thriving children’s ministry, providing Bible-centred, fun, safe, life-relevant and age-appropriate groups for each child to grow in their walk with God. During the 2nd half of of our Sunday Morning service, the children go to their Lighthouse groups:
Creche (0-3yrs)
Fireflies (3yrs-School Yr R)
Sparklers (School Yrs 1-3)
Spotlight (School Yrs 4-6) We seek to teach Biblical truths, how each part fits into the bigger picture of the Bible story and how it points to Jesus. We also do fun activities and have weeks when we are all together and do something a little different. We want our young people to see and understand that the Bible is real and relevant to us today.