Holiday Bible Club

July 23, 2024 @ 9:15 am – 12:15 pm

This event is FREE and for all children in current school year Reception to Year 6. 
The week will finish with a Grand Finale on Friday 26th July at the Church from 6:30pm for about an hour, finishing with “Joseph’s Jammie Doughnuts”. We will also have a HBC All-Age Service at 10:30am on Sunday 28th July which you are warmly invited to.

Medical Disclaimer – Please read and acknowledge in the booking form
In the unlikely event of illness or accident, I give my permission for medical treatment to be administered, where considered necessary, by an adult leader, or suitably qualified medical practitioner. Should my child require emergency hospital treatment, I authorise an adult leader to sign on my behalf any written form of consent required by the hospital if I cannot be contacted. I understand that every effort will be made to contact me as soon as possible. I realise that, although all due care will be taken, neither Cambray Baptist Church nor its club leaders will be liable for any injury or loss of personal property suffered unless this can be shown to be specifically due to the Church’s or Club leaders’ negligence