TDR: 4 June (Ephesians 2:7)

‘His kindness towards us’ (Ephesians 2:7)

What an amazing subject is the Kindness of God towards us! Let’s think about it, as it appears in the place and circumstances of our birth; in our education and preservation; especially in our regeneration – that we were born again, not of the will of the flesh, nor of blood, but all of God.

How many, born in the same place, about the same time, and educated at the same school, have been allowed to pass out of time into eternity, carnal and under the curse of God; or are still living in that state!

Why were we distinguished? Called by grace? Justified from all things in the righteousness of Jesus? Kept by the power of God? Supplied according to the promises? Walking with God? Looking for the coming of Jesus with hope, holy longing and steady faith? Having the promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come? Warranted to say, “All things are mine, for I am Christ’s, and Christ is God’s?”

Oh, how great is the goodness of our God! How unsearchable His grace! His kindness to us is wonderful!

Who can have greater cause to sing,
Who greater cause to bless,
Than we, the children of a King,
Than we who Christ possess?
Our all we to His kindness owe,
And grateful praise should ever flow.

THE DAILY REMEMBRANCER by James Smith (1802-1862)

Journal Jottings

‘A variety of things now united to unsettle me again, and right or wrong, I decided to remove. The last two entries while at Cheltenham, I insert –

Nov. 9 –  [see yesterday]

Nov. 19. My birthday. I am now thirty-nine years of age. I have decided to leave Cheltenham, my labours here close with the present year. It is a mysterious providence, but I believe it is of the Lord. I trust he will be greatly glorified thereby. The poor church here is in mourning, and for many of the flock I feel deeply. May I be more useful, and more holy in London, than I have been here. My concern now is that the church shall have a suitable pastor, and I am doing all I can to obtain them one.’