Pastor James Smith selected these Bible verses and wrote daily thoughts for his people in the early 1840’s. Demand for them grew quickly and by 1846 over 30,000 copies were in circulation. They continue to encourage and strengthen many disciples around the world today and readers will quickly realise just how relevant God’s Word and Smith’s devotions are to our own contexts.

Personally, I sense a deep affinity to James Smith as I now have the privilege of serving Christ at Cambray Baptist Church, Cheltenham, meeting and preaching in the same building that James Smith and people built and opened in 1855. He also served as pastor at one of my previous churches, Claremont Baptist in Shrewsbury. However, it is more than these facts that unite us. When I discovered THE DAILY REMEMBRANCER I found messages about a reliance on God the Holy Spirit that I continue to bring to the Cambray family today as our greatest need. To that end I pray that these ‘Pastor to People’ messages will continue to deepen our own walk with God.

Occasionally I have taken the liberty of adapting some of the words and punctuation to help the flow and comprehension for ease of reading. Plus, I have added a paragraph for most days, from James Smith’s diaries and writings which I think add helpful insights to him and for everyday discipleship as followers of the Lord Jesus Christ.

May God’s Word continue to be a lamp to our feet and a light to our path (Psalm 119:105).

With prayerful good wishes,
Tim Welch

Senior Pastor, Cambray Baptist Church, Cheltenham.

In his preface James Smith wrote:

‘The present humble work is a pastoral effort, flowing from love to the Lord’s people, and a desire to honour His great name. It is an acknowledged fact that many of the Lord’s people are living far below their privileges, and are walking as men, not aiming specifically for the Lord’s glory.

This is to be regretted; and while none but the Lord the Holy Spirit can produce the change we desire to witness, yet the means are to be used, and we must stir up their pure minds by way of remembrance.

In this little work, I aim to speak in the closet, in the cottage, in the kitchen, and even in the field, to the different classes of the Lord’s family, endeavouring to draw them nearer to their God and gracious Father.

My desire is to promote the POWER OF GODLINESS, and these little pieces are written to convince, comfort and correct; to fan the flame of devotion and to produce holiness of heart and life. To this end some degree of sameness in the pieces and a repetition of some important truths appeared absolutely necessary.

Habitual dependence upon God for all we need, acknowledging the hand of God in all we receive, and walking with God, notwithstanding all that may happen to us below, enter into the very essentials of genuine Christianity. And it is only while we are thus acting that we enjoy peace with God and walk in the comforts of the Holy Ghost. That the Lord, who often uses weak things to confound the mighty, may bless this little work to your good and His glory, is the prayer of Yours in the Lord Jesus,