Bible Reading in the New Year

With all the preparations for Christmas it’s easy to forget to prepare for the New Year. And no more so than for our ‘Quiet Times’ – our daily times with God in His word and in prayer. Our time with the Lord is vital not only for our spiritual life, but is fundamental in our relationship with the Lord … “Relationship with God without current significance is not a relationship – it is a historic event.” (Don Posterski).

The work of God’s Spirit brings about a hunger and thirst for more of Him – that’s why Paul cried out “I want to know Him!” (Phil 3:10), and the Psalmists cried “My soul thirsts for the Lord, for the living God” (Ps 42:2) and “O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land” (Ps 63:1)

Bible reading plans can be a real help to coming to the Lord in His word each day (as long as they are an aid, rather than a stick to beat ourselves with!). Here are a few we recommend for you to consider:

If you have time to spare:

McCheye reading plan – This is the classic One Year Reading Scheme, which I have used to read the Bible through many times. It has two morning and two evening readings.

If you can’t keep up with reading every day

CCV: The Bible in one year – It’s a 5 day per week plan that I’ve used quite a few times:

If you would like commentary help as you read

Bible in One Year with Nicki Gumbel

If you want read the Bible at a slower pace

Walk with the Word is a 3 year course to cover the whole Bible.

If you know you need to follow a plan with others

Let’s Read The Bible Together – This scheme uses the YouVersion app to read through the Bible in a year together with others. Team up with friends and start each month together, and encourage one another from what you hear from God.

If you want a range of reading plans

The Bible Project has a range of reading plans designed to either take you through the whole Bible or to explore a theme or book. It has links to the great in-depth resources of the Bible Project in each passage so that you can explore and learn more fully.