Your Response
Your response
Jesus died that we might have forgiveness and new life. But, like any gift, you have to be willing to receive the gift for it to become yours.
The Bible tells us how:
He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God
John 1:11-12
Having faced up to the consequences of your rebellion against God, having realised that Jesus died on that cross to deal with your sin, wash it away and give you new life, you need to ‘receive’ Him.
How do you do that? Actually, you don’t have to do anything because Jesus has done it all! But you do need to receive His gift, which you can do simply by:
- Confessing that I am a sinner and can’t do anything about it myself,
- Thanking Jesus for dying in my place for my sin,
- Accepting the new life that God offers to me, and
- asking Him to give me His Spirit to empower me to live my life for Him and in His way.
Here is a prayer which you might pray for yourself (but you can put it into your own words if you want):
Lord Jesus, I know that I have rebelled against You and my life is full of sin.
Thank You for coming and dying for me, taking the punishment I deserve for my sin.
Forgive me for my sin and rebellion.
Please come into my life, be the King of my life, and take control of all I have and am.
Give my your Spirit and enable me to follow Your way all my life.
Thank You for the love you have shown me, so undeserved.
And thank You for hearing this prayer and giving me New life.

What next?
We started by saying that there is a real hunger in our lives. We long for identity, for satisfaction and for security. We long for a life that has value, and one that is not stained by ceaseless failures and frustrations. We long for peace, joy and love.
This is what Jesus brings! He is my identity, the one I live for – and He is gives me life. He is my satisfaction, the one who has purpose for me and gives me a future – and He never lets me down. He gives me eternal value because I am loved by God, and He walks with me and enables me to live as I ought. And His presence with me is my peace and joy even in times of difficulty.
Now is the start of a life lived with Him rather than apart from Him, a life of eternal significance, a life of purpose and meaning. Now is when you start to walk with Him.
So tell someone in Cambray Baptist Church that you have come to know Jesus as your Saviour. Ask for guidance about how to get to know Jesus better and walk with Him.
But, above all, start walking your life with God, praying to Him in all you do, getting to know Him in His word, and letting His Spirit speak to you and work in you to transform your life as you live your new life in Jesus.