TDR: 5 March (Isaiah 41:10)

‘Do not fear, for I am with you’ (Isaiah 41:10)

The Lord’s people are all prone to fear because they do not realise their relationship to God, their interest in the promises of God, and that they are always in the presence of God. How graciously our God forbids our slavish fears, and encourages confidence in Himself!

Our slavish fears dishonour Him, our devoted confidence glorifies Him. He loves to be trusted. He is grieved by our doubts and fears. We should fear nothing but sin; and if we fear sin, follow holiness, and preserve a conscience void of offence toward God and others; if we live upon His word, daily use the open fountain and cultivate communion with our God, we will have no cause to fear.

Dear friends, leave all your distrust and slavish fear, and trust in the living God always and everywhere. Hope in God; wait upon God; expect from God; follow hard after God: and all you want will be given, and all that would injure you will be frustrated. Don’t be afraid, only believe: Jesus is with you, and will preserve, bless and keep you. Therefore, “DO NOT FEAR!”

And art Thou with me, gracious Lord,
To dissipate my fear?
Dost thou proclaim Thyself my God,
My God forever near?
Then farewell, anxious, gloomy care,
Since God forbids my soul to fear.

THE DAILY REMEMBRANCER by James Smith (1802-1862)

Journal Jottings

‘A precious word of comfort has been given me, it came as if God did whisper into my soul, “He is faithful that promised” [Hebrews 10:23]. Yes, Lord, thou art faithful. Thou hast promised me enemies, and I have them. Thou hast assured me that they shall not hurt me, nor shall any weapon formed against me prosper. Thou hast told me, I shall have trouble, but thou hast said, “I will be with him in trouble”; and I have found thee “a refuge in times of trouble”. Thou hast promised to hear my prayer, and attend unto my cry; and I have found thee to be true to thy word.’