TDR: 29 January (John 5:39)

‘Search the Scriptures’ (John 5:39)

The Bible is God’s book, a favour bestowed on humanity; intended to lead us to know the nature, perfections, purposes, will, providence, and salvation of God. It contains all that is really necessary to be known. It should be read carefully, prayerfully, frequently; every part of the Bible should be read, meditated upon, and prayed over.

It makes us wise unto salvation, through faith which is in Christ Jesus. We cannot understand the Scriptures, or gather spiritual profit from them, except by the Holy Spirit. Nor should we expect to be taught the mind of God but by the Scriptures.

Praying, reading, and thinking should go together; and no one but those who have proved it, can possibly tell the profit which may be gained. Let the Bible be your everyday book, because in it God speaks to your soul; by it He will sanctify your nature, direct your steps, and give you joy and peace.

Do not let the works of others occupy the place of the book of God; but search the Scriptures daily and exercise faith therein. “Open my eyes, that I may see wonderful things in your law” [Psalm 119:18]. Unfold to me the riches of Your grace.

O may Thy counsels, mighty God,
My roving feet command,
Nor I forsake the happy road,
That leads to Thy right hand.

THE DAILY REMEMBRANCER by James Smith (1802-1862)

Journal Jottings

‘May the glory of Jesus be constantly in my view, as it is in the view of His Father, who hath set His glory above the heavens. How different to enjoy these breezes of the mountains, and gales from the everlasting hills; to being, where I often am, in the lowlands, where the genial warmth of the Sun of righteousness is seldom felt, and the gales of grace but seldom blow. But amidst all, whether on high or in the valley, my treasure is in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, nor thieves break through and steal. I am bound for heaven, and am steering in that direction, though often impeded by contrary winds and conflicting storms. Sometimes, I am all life and enjoyment, and at others so dull and lifeless, that I even forget the throne of grace ! ‘