TDR: 26 February (John 8:49)

Jesus said: ‘I honour my Father, and you dishonour me’ (John 8:49)

This is a complaint brought against us by our Lord Jesus Christ. Let us listen to it. He has assured us of His love, that He seeks our good, that He will not be angry with us. We dishonour Him, therefore, by our fretfulness under trials and troubles; by our murmuring when all is not as we wish; by our impatience to be delivered from pain; by our unbelief in reference to His promises and providence; by our unthankfulness for the many mercies we receive; by employing His favours in Satan’s service; by limiting His power or His goodness; by omitting duties from want of love or zeal; by relying on our services instead of free grace; and by looking to others, instead of looking only and always to Him for all.

Dishonouring Jesus must be a great sin; it produces deadness, darkness, and misery; let us realise its criminality, lament it before God, seek repentance for it, and forgiveness of it. Oh, let us aim to honour Jesus by gratitude, patience, faith, love, forbearance, penitence, zeal, and constantly aiming at His glory! To honour Him in life, death and forever!

Lord, draw my heart from earth away,
And make it only know Thy call;
Speak to my inmost soul, and say,
“I am thy Saviour, God, thine all!”
Nor let me more dishonour Thee,
But thy devoted servant be.

THE DAILY REMEMBRANCER by James Smith (1802-1862)

Journal Jottings

‘The Lord is calling unto me very loudly “Turn away from mortals” [Isaiah 2:22]. Lord, what is man? A bubble at best! A mass of inconsistency! O to be kept free from the curse pronounced on those who trust in men, and make flesh their arm, whose heart departs from the Lord!

The Lord seems determined that I shall make up all my happiness in himself; and that I shall find nothing but emptiness and vanity elsewhere. O to be like-minded with the Lord.’