TDR: 15 September (1 Peter 4:7)

‘The end of all things is near’ (1 Peter 4:7)

The mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; only Jehovah’s word, love, purposes, and perfections remain the same. The world passes away; but whoever does the will of God remains for ever.

The end of all things is near; our labours will soon cease; our commerce terminate; our earthly relationships dissolve; our pleasures and sorrows in this world be concluded; the last sermon will soon be preached; and the last opportunity for us to do good will make its appearance.

The coming of the Son of God draws near; so let us therefore be preparing ourselves for so great, so solemn an event; and whenever tempted to trifle, to loiter, or to sin, let us remember “the Lord is near”. Let us be sober, temperate in reference to the body; and let us think soberly of ourselves, of others, of everything around us.

Let us not be rash or hasty, careless, or indifferent; but let us speak and act soberly, as those who must give an account. He who comes will come, and will not tarry; and He bids us be ready to receive Him with gladness, joy, and rejoicing.

When Thou, my righteous Judge! shalt come
To fetch Thy ransom’d people home,
Shall I among them stand?
Shall such a worthless worm as I,
Who sometimes am afraid to die,
Be found at Thy right hand?

THE DAILY REMEMBRANCER by James Smith (1802-1862)

Journal Jottings

‘I still find my mind too much affected with, and my temper ruffled by, things over which I have no control. I appear to have a world in myself, and I am, or would be, absolute monarch. I speak, write, argue, threaten, decide and dare; but no one sees, hears, cares, or is affected by it, but myself. This is great folly, but I frequently fall into it, especially when anything annoys, or troubles me.’